The pump is dismantled into pieces, washed and cleaned. then begin reassembly. New pump elements mounted.
Delivery valves, bearings, bushings in the govenor weight package with more is replaced if nessesary, this is all included in the price.
New Bosch gaskets ensures that the pump is free from leaks. Then the pump is synchronized with the new elements, ensuring that the firing sequence is exact. MAX tolerance of 0.5 degree accepted.
Governor gets modified and the pump is calibrated in the Bosch test bench for optimal function.
Price of a 7,5 or 8,0mm pump is 12500: - SEK including VAT, if you have a pump to provide to us for rebuilding. Shipping will be added.
We can ofthen also supply complete pumps without you sending a pump to us for overhaul and upgrade. Price is not set, so send us an email for current pricing.
Dieselmeken AB provides a lifetime warranty on race pumps, something that makes us unique in this context.